Customizeable for seasons, milestones, celebrations, and events
七五三 (Coming of Age - 7, 5, 3)
Shichi-go-san (753) is a traditional Japanese event to celebrate the growth of children of ages 7, 5, and 3. Traditionally, the celebration is held in shrines in Japan. However in Canada where access to shrines is not an easy task, how about a photo to celebrate your child's growth?
十三参り (Coming of Age - 13)
数え歳13歳で行うお祝いです。カナダではティーンエイジャーになる歳です。ちょうど子供と大人の間、微妙な年頃をお祝いしながら写し撮る一枚をご提供します。可愛い? 大人っぽい?
Jyuusan-mairi is a traditional Japanese event to celebrate the growth of children of age 13. The celebration is said to provide wisdom and fortune for the coming years. In Canada, this is the age where children become "teenagers". We provide the service to save this special time of your children's life where one is no longer child yet not yet a grown up.